maanantai 5. tammikuuta 2015

Mamatoto ja Chagga -äidin paluu

Carrol Dunhamin ja Body Shopin työryhmän 90-luvulla kokoama Mamatoto - A celebration of birth on oikea raskaus-, synnytys- ja vauva-ajan kansanperinteen aarreaitta. Itseeni teki suurimman vaikutuksen kuvaus siitä, millaisella siirtymäriitillä afrikkalainen Chagga -heimo on toivottanut tuoreen äidin vauvoineen takaisin yhteiskunnan toimintojen piiriin (kolmen kuukauden pesimisajan jälkeen):

Three months after the birth of her child, the Chagga woman's head is shaved and crowned with a bead tiara, she is robed in an ancient skin garment worked with beads, a staff such as the elders carry is put in her hands, and she emerges from her hut for her first public appearance with her baby. Proceeding slowly towards the market, they are greeted with songs such as are sung to warriors returning from battle. She and her baby have survived the weeks of danger. The child is no longer a vulnerable, jumpy newborn ... but a baby who has learned what love means, has smiled its first smiles, and is now ready to learn about the bright, loud world outside.

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